Set Premium
plius Moterims
The most effective complex remedy against severe hair loss and thinning.
Hair growth stimulating serum, scalp scrub, three nutritional supplements for complete hair restoration.
The HLC+ forte plus kit contains as many as 40 active ingredients that not only affect the hair, but are also vital for all body systems, while trace elements in different chemical compounds and forms ensure much better absorption.
- For women with extreme hair loss and thinning.
- In women with androgenetic diffuse and annular alopecia.
- In women with severe seasonal hair loss.
- Women concerned about hair loss and thinning.
- To maximise the prolongation of the growth phase of the hair cycle.
- For women who want thicker, denser hair.
Balances the phases of the hair growth cycle.
Noticeably thicker and healthier hair.Helps maintain hair health by promoting natural resistance to hormonal and environmental stresses, stress and malnutrition.(Fuller-looking) More voluminous hair after just 60 days, and macasimal results after 120 days on average.Numerous clinically proven ingredients of the highest quality(Food supplements are 100% free of medicines) A food supplement is not a medicine.
An easy addition to your daily routine - just a few steps a day and you can enjoy healthy hair again.
Nutritional and cosmetic treatments to address the root causes of thinning hair such as hormones, stress and poor diet.
What can I expect after 30 days of use?
Significant or complete reduction/elimination of hair loss.
What can I expect after 60 days of continuous use?
After 2-3 months, you will start to see more volume, thicker, more resilient hair, the disappearance of hair loss and a significant improvement in hair quality (texture, shine).
Patience and perseverance are the keys to success.
*Results may vary.
Composition of the set
- natural fruit flavour
- gluten-free
- Non-GMO (genetically modified organisms)
- yeast free
- dye-free
Made in Sweden.
Number of the food supplement in the VMVT: MP-949/2.
A powerful anti-ageing product that combats the early signs of old age.
- natūralių uogų skonis
- dye-free
- yeast free
- gluten-free
- be cukraus
- Non-GMO (genetically modified organisms)
Cellular moisture bath – skystas maisto papildas su saldikliais. Uogų skonio.
Net quantity: 500 ml.
Made in Sweden
Number of the food supplement in the VMVT:MP-948/22.
It is an essential product that improves not only women's health, but also their quality of life and comfort! The formula is enriched with bamboo extract and patented organic silicon, which have detoxifying properties - helping to remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. It has a positive effect on the hormonal system and helps regulate body weight.
Zinc, amino acids and selenium are elements that increase the natural production of estrogen. Estrogen is responsible for body fat distribution, bone density and sexual desire.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) has effects that can protect cells from damage, improve immune function, reduce inflammation, improve mood and reduce mental fatigue. Recent studies suggest that MSM may also significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer!
Biotin, folic acid and copper are essential elements that support healthy hair growth, reduce hair loss, increase density and improve hair texture.
Extra Care plus moterims – tai daugiau nei maisto papildas, kuris gali tapti kasdieniniu sveikatingumo ritualu apsauginiam, palaikomajam efektui, po premium plius ir classic rinkinių naudojimo, bei pakaitinis produktas keliaujant.
Product strength 5+ out of 5.
Made in Spain.
Maisto papildas – 60 kapsulių.
Maisto papildo numeris VMVT: MP-946/22.
A therapeutic serum-hair follicle activator that prevents hair loss, prolongs the hair life cycle and stimulates the growth of new hair. This serum energises, increases hair density, nourishes, stimulates and strengthens hair roots. Ideal for people with androgenetic alopecia, women with post-partum alopecia and anyone who notices increased hair loss or would like to strengthen their hair to prolong its life cycle.
Bloomer serumas – tai aukščiausios kokybės ir aktyviųjų ingredientų ir biotechnologinių tyrimų perlas, paverčiantis jį išskirtiniu produktu HLC+ kolekcijoje.
Grynasis kiekis 60ml.
Gently cleansing, stimulating and balancing scalp scrub.
It is an essential scalp preparation product for the removal of dead skin cells, sebum and environmental pollution particles. It strengthens the epidermis and stimulates the regeneration process, moisturises and visibly improves the overall condition of the skin. Restores the pH balance of the epidermis and prepares the scalp for other treatments and improves the absorption of active substances.
This product balances the scalp, ensures optimal scalp health and hair growth.
Net quantity: 100g.
Vaistažolės ir Naudingieji augalai:
Dirvinis asiūklis,
Paprastasis bambukas,
Tikrasis alavijas,
Japoninis laurenis.
VISOS VAISTAŽOLĖS: (tikrojo alavijo milteliai, žaliosios arbatos milteliai, vynuogių sėklų milteliai, dilgėlių lapų ekstraktas, dirvinio asiūklio ekstraktas, paprastųjų apynių žiedų ekstraktas, margalapio balinio ajero šaknų/stiebo ekstraktas, varpotojo saldilio ekstraktas, japoninio laurenio vaisių aliejus, kvapiojo šalavijo aliejus, pipirmėtės aliejus, graikinių riešutų kevalų milteliai, saulėgrąžų sėklų aliejus, levandų eterinis aliejus).
paba, cholinas, biotinas, D3.
vitaminas A (palmitato beta karotenas), vitaminas E (dl-alfa tokoferilacetatas), vitaminas C (askorbo rūgštis), vitaminas D3 (cholekalciferolis), vitaminas B1 (tiamino hidrochloridas),vitaminas B2 (riboflavinas), vitaminas B3 (niacinas/nikotinamidas), vitaminas B6 (piridoksino hidrochloridas), vitaminas B7 (biotinas/d-biotinas), vitaminas B9 (folio rūgštis), vitaminas B5 (pantoteno rūgštis) vitaminas B12 (metilkobalaminas/cianokobalaminas), cholinas(cholino l-bitartratas), paba).
silicis (silicio dioksidas), selenas (natrio selenitas), kalcis (kalcio gliukonatas), cinkas (cinko gliukonatas/citratas), varis (vario gliukonas/sulfatas), magnis (magnio gliukonatas).
VISOS AMINO RŪGŠTYS: hidrolizuotas kolagenas su amino rūgštimis: l-glicinu, l-prolinu, l-alaninu, l-hidroksiprolinu, l-glutamo rūgštimi, l-argininu, l-aspartamo rūgštimi, l-serinu, L-lizinu, l-leucinu, L-valinu, l-treoninu, l-fenilalaninu, l-izoleucinu, l-hidroksilizinu, l-metioninu, l-histidinu, l-tirozinu, l-cisteinu.
Kiti ingredientai:
jūrinis kolagenas,
hialiurono rūgštis,
kofermantas Q10.
VISI KITI INGREDIENTAI: hidrolizuotas jūrinis kolagenas 10000mg, hialiurono rūgštis (augalis natrio haliuronatas), MSM (metilsulfonilmetanas), kofermentas Q10 (CoQ10 ubikvinonas), organinis silicis (ortosilicio rūgštis Orgonopowder®) D-pantenolis.
Liquid food supplements NOURISHING HIGH POTENCY and MOISTURE BATH and cosmetic products PRIMER and BLOOMER are used.
- NOURISHING and MOISTURE BATH liquid supplements are to be taken at baseline. MOISTURE BATH should be taken in the morning before meals and NOURISHING should be taken in the evening, the main thing is not to take both supplements at the same time.
- To use BLOOMER Serum: Massage it into the roots of the hair in the evening and/or after each wash. Do not rinse with water. To add fluffiness and volume, apply the serum to dry or damp hair and blow-dry.
- Use PRIMER Scalp Scrub once a week. Massage the product into the scalp, massage gently and rinse off with water, then follow with your normal washing routine (shampoo and conditioner/mask).
BLOOMER serumą šiame etape naudoti 3 kartus per savaitę po galvos plovimo arba vakarais.
PRIMER galvos odos šveitiklį – naudokite kartą per 2 savaites.
NOURISHING papildas gali sukelti apetitą, todėl rekomenduojamas gerti vakarais prieš miegą. Tačiau jei norite priaugti svorio, galite NOURISHING maisto papildą vartoti rytais, o MOISTURE BATH maisto papildą vakarais.
Jei vartojate probiotikus (gerąsias bakterijas), gerkite juos kartu su maisto papildais – taip dar labiau pagerinsite papildų įsisavinimą.
Maksimaliam MOISTURE BATH papildo įsisavinimui rekomenduojame jį gerti rytais prieš valgį arba vakarais, dvi valandos po valgio.